Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day Two

Inspired by a reminder about the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", armed with the knowledge passed on to me from Dr. Angela Pogioli, determined with the confidence from recently doing this successfully, and totally fed up with my current weight, energy level, and the lack of fitting clothes in my closet I have decided to start a second journey into wellness.

This adventure will begin more aggressively than the first as I feel more aware of what works, what doesn't, and how the body acts and reacts to certain items thrown into it's "pie hole."  This part of the journey begins with a 45 day juicing and healthy shake fast with the first 2 days a strict water fast to prepare my mind, body, and spirit for the next month and a half.

My plan is to mix up 2 scoops of NatureRich Chocolate Energy Shake (extremely nutritious) with 5 ice cubes (alkaline water) and 6 ounces (or so) of unsweetened almond milk (I use Blue Almond due to it's availability). I put the scoops into the Magic Bullet container first followed by the ice and then the almond milk.  About 15-20 seconds later I have breakfast and, later in the day as I repeat the process, lunch.

In the evening I will juice a combination of Kale, Spinach, another optional green/red/purple leaf lettuce of my choosing, ginger root, cucumber, lemon, and a little pineapple to cut the bitterness of the Kale.  I have to admit that I have never developed a taste for this mix - even after having done it daily (sometimes two or three times a day) for around 10 months straight.  HOWEVER, I know that it is one of the most powerful things I can do for my body so...I do it (with nose plugged 1/2 of the time!).  If you like this sort of thing then 'good on ya' as they say.  You are probably the sort of person that could climb Mt. Everest in a bathing suit walking backwards with your eyes shut!

Next post: Setting Up for Success

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