Monday, August 15, 2011

Chocolate Shakes Taste AMAZING!

...especially after a two day water fast!  I couldn't wait to get in to work today and drink down this wonderful, healthy chocolate shake!  The temptations over the last two days were intense but the personal reward for mental toughness far exceeds the temporary taste of any nasty "food".  If you are questioning the healthiness of my chocolate shake then please check it out by clicking HERE.  Yummy!  I can't wait to have another at lunch time...maybe I will throw in some bananas or raspberries this time!

My Chocolate Shake Recipe (aka "Brownie Batter")
2 scoops of NatureRich Chocolate Energy Shake mix (found here)
5 ice cubes (I used alkaline, filtered, micro clustered, energized water from an Amega water machine)
6 ounces of unsweetened Blue Almond vanilla almond milk

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