Thursday, August 18, 2011

13 Pounds in only 5 Days!!!

I was at the Lab this morning to have blood drawn (to measure post-kidney transplant levels) and I decided to step on the scale for the first time since I began 5 days ago...13 pounds (the amount of a heavy bowling ball) is completely GONE!  What a feeling!

I am wearing a T-Shirt today that just 6 little days ago I could not wear because my GUT would hang out the bottom (YUCK, right?).  Today it fits GREAT and it has put me in a great mood ;)

Yesterday I was in a bind as I went with some business partners to St. Cloud to speak at a juicer, no ingredients, etc.  A friend of mine brought in organic cucumbers that he and his wife grow on their hobby farm.  Now, I usually do NOT like the taste of cucumbers...I always took them off my salads.  To eat a whole, raw, cucumber was quite a daunting thought to me BUT I did need something for "dinner".

Did I like the cucumber?  Although it wasn't as bad as I thought the answer is still no.  But do you know what I don't like even more?  BEING FAT!  NOT FITTING INTO MY CLOTHES!  BEING TIRED!  So the cucumber was cheerfully eaten and my body rejoiced :)  I am also very grateful to my friend who offered the cucumbers because not eating at all would have been even worse and temptation would have mounted.

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