Saturday, October 29, 2011


"For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief." Proverbs 24:16

Now I know that the verse above is referencing the spiritual realm and not the physical, psychological, or mental but I couldn't think of a better principle to empower me for what I am about to say and what I am about to do regarding it:

I fell and I plan to get back up, refocus myself, and move forward.

When you adopt this attitude you are UNSTOPPABLE; you will win the victory, achieve your goal, be an over comer, and win at success!

Set a 1 year goal and then put into place 7 day goals and action plans.  Keep your eyes on the prize by doing those things which push you to your goal and avoid those things which will pull you from those goals.

Measure EVERYTHING in context of your 7 day and 1 year goals.  When you falter then immediately do a "course correction" and reestablish your fire to succeed!

Here are a few tips/suggestions that I am going to implement in the next 24 hours to STRENGTHEN my resolve:

I will write my 1 year physical goal on paper
I will write my next 7 day action plan & goal
I will put these written resolutions in a place that I will see them daily
I will be accountable to at least 5 people verbally that I see at least twice weekly
I will be accountable by posting my actions/results on Facebook
I will blog at least 3 times a week with my actions/results and future plans/insights
I will set a cellphone alarm at least once a day to remind me about my 1 year & 7 day goal